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Reduction In Speaking Time For Senators A Necessary Precaution During Pandemic

Reduction In Speaking Time For Senators A Necessary Precaution During Pandemic

< 00:02:40 > |

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A reminder to members of the Senate, that they are not operating under normal circumstances. This from Independent Senator, Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy, who was responding to a Private Motion... Read more

A reminder to members of the Senate, that they are not operating under normal circumstances. This from Independent Senator, Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy, who was responding to a Private Motion moved in the Upper House on Tuesday over a reduction in speaking time since the resumption of Parliamentary activities under COVID-19 restrictions. According to Senator Dillon-Remy, strict measures have been implemented worldwide in an attempt to reduce the COVID-19 infection rate. She urged her colleagues to be mindful of the seriousness that is the current pandemic, and added a reduction in speaking time is a necessary precaution. Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Senator Randall Mitchell, said the reduction in speaking time over the past few months did not affect the business of the Senate.

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