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James B. Solomon's Evolving Journey

James B. Solomon's Evolving Journey

< 00:03:15 > |

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Thirty years of photographic excellence has produced an exhibition “Three of Thirty, My Evolving Journey.” Pulled together from thirty years of work, the Photo Artist, James B. Solomon, said he... Read more

Thirty years of photographic excellence has produced an exhibition “Three of Thirty, My Evolving Journey.” Pulled together from thirty years of work, the Photo Artist, James B. Solomon, said he started off small and won competitions from the start of his career. Mr. Solomon became a full time professional in 1992 after achieving success in local PIATT photo contests. He grew through a series of life learning events, formal training and being the student of a master photographer, Monte Zucker, while working on a cruise liner. Mr. Solomon's skill earned him the title of preferred photographer for the office of the President as he pulled off a unique work using light photography. He also proved his calibre working under pressure during the pandemic to produce photos of the Prime Minister and others. The artist has words of advice for budding photographers telling them to keep learning, as one never knows where this knowledge can take you.

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