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In Depth With Dike Rostant - Vaccination Week In The Americas 2023

In Depth With Dike Rostant - Vaccination Week In The Americas 2023

< 00:21:20 > |

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From April 22nd to 29th, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is observing the 21st Annual Vaccination Week in the Americas and the 12th World Immunization Week under the call... Read more

Category: Action Movies, Movies from 2023...

From April 22nd to 29th, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is observing the 21st Annual Vaccination Week in the Americas and the 12th World Immunization Week under the call to action: Get up-to-date. #EachVaccineCounts. Communicable Disease Epidemiologist Dr. Franka des Vignes joins for a round-up of the week.

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