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Tibetan Singing Bowl and the Benefits of Sound Therapy

Tibetan Singing Bowl and the Benefits of Sound Therapy

< 00:10:31 > |

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A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. As confirmed also by latest scientific research, Tibetan singing bowls promote... Read more

A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. As confirmed also by latest scientific research, Tibetan singing bowls promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties. Relax with Tibetan Singing Bowl and the benefits of sound therapy! #TibetanSingingBowl #TibetanBells #SoundTherapy - Music: "Sharavana-Sun", provided by Freesound: - Footage provided by VideoBlocks: - Stock photo provided by Fotolia: - Subscribe to our Youtube channel: - Website:

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