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Parliament Remembers Basdeo Panday

Parliament Remembers Basdeo Panday

< 00:01:06 > |

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Statements of condolences have been pouring in for former Prime Minister and veteran politician Basdeo Panday. He passed away on Monday night. President of the Senate, Nigel De Freitas, and... Read more

Statements of condolences have been pouring in for former Prime Minister and veteran politician Basdeo Panday. He passed away on Monday night. President of the Senate, Nigel De Freitas, and Speaker of the House, Bridgid Annisette-George, both expressed sadness on learning of the passing of Mr. Panday. Mr. Panday first entered Parliament as an Opposition Senator in 1972, and subsequently became a Member of the House of Representatives as the MP for Couva North from 1976 to 2010. Mr. Panday also served as Minister of External Affairs and International Trade in the National Alliance for Reconstruction Government between 1986 and 1988, and eventually as Prime Minister between 1995 and 2001. The Parliament says Mr. Panday was a gifted debater and the Hansard record is replete with examples of his razor sharp wit, edifying and at times entertaining an engaged House that included his political allies and opponents alike.

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