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World Soil Day 2023

World Soil Day 2023

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As we observe World Soil Day today, December 5th, the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries is asking citizens to pause, acknowledge, and appreciate the profound significance of soil and... Read more

Category: Movies from 2023...

As we observe World Soil Day today, December 5th, the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries is asking citizens to pause, acknowledge, and appreciate the profound significance of soil and water to life on the planet. The theme this year is "Soil and Water - A Source of Life" which the Ministry notes encapsulates the essence of these resources which are indispensable for our existence and prosperity. The Ministry says it has been steadfast in its commitment to safeguard and sustainably manage these life-giving assets. They have been empowering the farming community with knowledge and tools through the dedicated efforts of their Research Division's Soil and Land Capability Unit and their Engineering Division. They say we are all stewards of this Earth and together we can ensure a future where the soils are healthy, the waters are clean, and the agriculture is prosperous.

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