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WASA Conducts Emergency Repairs To Pipeline In POS

WASA Conducts Emergency Repairs To Pipeline In POS

< 00:01:44 > |

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Vehicular traffic to lower Frederick Street was restricted today between Knox Street and Independence Square after a portion of the roadway collapsed due to a sinkhole. The Water And Sewerage... Read more

Vehicular traffic to lower Frederick Street was restricted today between Knox Street and Independence Square after a portion of the roadway collapsed due to a sinkhole. The Water And Sewerage Authority (WASA) undertook emergency repairs to a leaking 6-inch diameter pipeline at the corner of Frederick and Queen Street, Port of Spain on Monday night. WASA says, however, that another leak developed on Tuesday on the cast iron pipeline in close proximity to the initial repairs. WASA says these emergency repairs are expected to be completed by 6pm today. Motorists are being asked to use alternative routes where possible. On Monday, one driver got his vehicle stuck in the sinkhole at the corner of Queen and Frederick Streets.

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