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Pan Against Crime

Pan Against Crime

< 00:02:26 > |

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Fighting crime with the power of music. Pan Angels' Leader Peter Ralph is setting the tone for youth in Enterprise. The band, Mr. Ralph said, was formed in 2014 and... Read more

Category: Movies from 2015, Movies from 2019, Romantic Movies...

Fighting crime with the power of music. Pan Angels' Leader Peter Ralph is setting the tone for youth in Enterprise. The band, Mr. Ralph said, was formed in 2014 and was inspired by a young man called Sibi Sobers who pushed him to start the musical group. Mr. Ralph says he was impelled in 2015 to invite young people to play when the neighbourhood began to take a turn for the worse. With equipment acquired from Valley Harps and Merrytones, the band took part in several competitions, becoming finalists in the national competition in 2019. One band member, 13 year old Theodore Dillon, says he joined because he loves playing pan. Mr. Ralph says he is prepared to continue on this journey with the youth as he works to offer them something more fruitful in life than crime.

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