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Amplifying Girls Voices Podcast - Virginity Testing

Amplifying Girls Voices Podcast - Virginity Testing

< 00:23:19 > |

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Virginity testing is an age old tradition in many cultures including some religious sects. It was done for varying reasons and that is what we explore in this episode. With... Read more

Category: Action Movies, Episodal Movies...

Virginity testing is an age old tradition in many cultures including some religious sects. It was done for varying reasons and that is what we explore in this episode. With the advancement of civilisation more and more people are challenging a lot of traditions and virginity testing is one of them. While some people still continue with it, most advocates fighting against it as it is deemed a sexual violation as girls are coerced and sometimes threatened to be tested. The testing methods are also invasive, probing the question of where one draws the line between tradition and abuse Connect with us on Website | | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Email: |

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