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Two Held For Trafficking Wildlife

Two Held For Trafficking Wildlife

< 00:01:20 > |

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Santa Flora Police arrested two people from the Diego Martin area on Saturday for trafficking parrots, giant river otters and monkeys. Unfortunately, all of the animals didn't survive as... Read more

Santa Flora Police arrested two people from the Diego Martin area on Saturday for trafficking parrots, giant river otters and monkeys. Unfortunately, all of the animals didn't survive as officers found 43 dead yellow crown parrots and four dead giant river otters. Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Clarence Rambharat, posted pictures of the animals, which he said were heading to buyers that live among us. He said the animals were kept in crude conditions and they were severely distressed, malnourished, lacking food and water, and were potentially diseased. The two individuals were held in separate vehicles. One had 40 yellow crown parrots, four giant river otters and two capuchin monkeys. The other person had 25 yellow head parrots. Officials of the Emperor Valley Zoo immediately went to Santa Flora to save as many of the animals as possible. Minister Rambharat said in their current condition, the animals require round the clock food, medication and care.

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