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Ministry Of Health Virtual Media Conference - Thursday April 9th 2020

Ministry Of Health Virtual Media Conference - Thursday April 9th 2020

< 01:19:31 > |

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KEY POINTS FROM THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH’S VIRTUAL MEDIA CONFERENCE – THURSDAY APRIL 9TH 2020 - Today's Virtual Media Conference began with applause for essential workers including the TTPS and... Read more

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KEY POINTS FROM THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH’S VIRTUAL MEDIA CONFERENCE – THURSDAY APRIL 9TH 2020 - Today's Virtual Media Conference began with applause for essential workers including the TTPS and TTDF and health care staff. - Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh noted that as at 10am today, there have been 1,536,094 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally, with 89,877 deaths recorded. Today’s MOH Update for COVID-19 in T&T: Samples Submitted For Testing: 987 Positive Samples: 109 Number of Deaths: 8 Number of Persons Discharged: 1 UPDATE ON COVID-19 Patients In T&T: 100 Hospitalised (1 admission this morning) Caura: 27 patients (Ambulatory) Couva: 72 (3 in HDU and Stable, and 68 Ambulatory) - Minister Terrence Deyalsingh said 32 patients may soon be transferred out of Couva to a step-down facility. The transfer is expected to take place this weekend. - The Ministry of Health has initiated a Loudspeaker Programme to inform citizens about COVID-19. - TTPS remains on Orange Alert. Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith said this means there will be increased police patrols, higher visibility and rapid response. - TTPS paramedics to get updated training and stand ready to assist Ministry of Health. - Police officers are ensuring persons who received quarantine notices are adhering to the order to stay indoors. - SRPs to be used to maximum efficiency. - Commissioner Griffith notes a spike in domestic violence. He warns abusers it's "no longer business as usual." He advises victims "do not wait until it's too late. Use the opportunity to contact the TTPS so you will not be a fatality." - Top Cop notes increase in COVID Private Parties where people are hosting house parties and not adhering to social distancing rules. "This is a ticking time bomb. Be responsible. This is a disaster waiting to happen." - Top Cop says there is no looting taking place in Port of Spain but there have been break-ins. The TTPS is working to prevent this from happening. - Commissioner Griffith saw value in having private security firms patrolling with TTPS & TTDF. He said, "This is not an easy country to secure, especially when we have a situation of a virtual war zone out there. All we were trying to do is to try to get extra resources to assist the TTPS." - Heavy policing from 6pm. Police Commissioner promises heavy roadblocks. - Chief of Defence Staff, Air Commodore Darryl Daniel, noted that there are 5,329 TTDF personnel who are tasked with protecting citizens from internal and external threats. In terms of assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic, TTDF personnel have been providing support to the Ministries of Health and Social Development and Family Services, eg. security perimeter patrols at six locations and aiding the TTPS. This is in addition to performing regular duties such as border security patrols on land, sea and air. - Chief of Defence Staff, Air Commodore Darryl Daniel, says calling a State of Emergency in response to COVID-19 is not as easy as people think it would be. He notes that COVID-19 is evolving and no one anywhere in the world has the expertise to deal with this virus. Chief of Defence Staff, Air Commodore Darryl Daniel, said to call a State of Emergency with no end in sight is not the way to go and could cause unnecessary panic. He believes T&T’s response to keep the country running has been excellent. “Who is going to be collecting garbage? How are these health workers going to get to work? The people are TSTT, the people at WASA? The people at T&TEC? If there is a break in power, who is going to come to restore power to that area when that happens? We are not thinking about all those things once you go into a State of Emergency that cannot happen.” - A Virtual Meeting featuring a panel of doctors discussing COVID-19 will be held at 11am on Saturday. This Meeting will be broadcast on Radio and TV and Livestreamed. Further details will be published in the newspapers and broadcast on Television.

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