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Deal With Praedial Larceny

Deal With Praedial Larceny

< 00:02:46 > |

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The tragic murder of a farmer has President of the Trinidad Unified Farmers Association, Shiraz Khan, lamenting the lack of attention paid to defeating praedial larceny. Mr. Khan says his... Read more

The tragic murder of a farmer has President of the Trinidad Unified Farmers Association, Shiraz Khan, lamenting the lack of attention paid to defeating praedial larceny. Mr. Khan says his good friend, Mr. Kalyan, who was a prominent goat farmer, went out in the early hours of Monday morning to check on his avocadoes. His body was found later in the morning. Mr. Khan says there seems to be a lack of interest by the authorities in stopping the bane of the cultivators' hard work - thieves who steal their long awaited bounty. Mr. Khan says only strong laws and well thought out strategies can tackle this long standing problem and truly help industrious farmers.

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