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TTEC Workers Want Answers On COVID-19 Concerns

TTEC Workers Want Answers On COVID-19 Concerns

< 00:02:57 > |

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T&TEC workers are demanding that company management be forthright with them concerning possible COVID-19 infections in the workplace. OWTU President of the Distribution North, Kevin Julien, says the... Read more

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T&TEC workers are demanding that company management be forthright with them concerning possible COVID-19 infections in the workplace. OWTU President of the Distribution North, Kevin Julien, says the workers are not entering the office today, but are waiting outside for answers about staff members who are now in self quarantine. Mr. Julian says an agreement had been signed off by both management and OWTU which says that 50% of workers work for one week while the others stay at home, and then they switch for the following week. This agreement, Mr. Julian said, has been broken by T&TEC as 100% of workers are on the job. He adds that when managers are asked about this by the union, management responds with veiled threats. The Union Head however said that if any of the T&TEC workers becomes infected, it is the country that will pay the price as quarantine measures may affect services. He added that the North Distribution Division serves 'Down the Islands' to Blanchisseuse to San Juan. TTT News called T&TEC about the claims made by the Union and was told that the company will send out a release on the matter.

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