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MovieTowne Chaguanas Closes

MovieTowne Chaguanas Closes

< 00:01:36 > |

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MovieTowne owner Derek Chin has announced that the Chaguanas branch of the cinema chain will be closed permanently. Movietowne Chaguanas opened a decade ago, but Mr Chin said the decision... Read more

MovieTowne owner Derek Chin has announced that the Chaguanas branch of the cinema chain will be closed permanently. Movietowne Chaguanas opened a decade ago, but Mr Chin said the decision stems from the COVID-19 pandemic, and what he called a "difficult landlord." He said the decision was taken to maintain the survival of the overall business. MovieTowne operates four other locations, in Port-of-Spain, San Fernando, Tobago, and in Georgetown, Guyana. Mr Chin says the other MovieTowne locations in Trinidad and Tobago will reopen when the COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed.

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