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TATT Hands Over Devices To MOE

TATT Hands Over Devices To MOE

< 00:02:58 > |

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Eight hundred ICT-enabled devices were handed over from the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) to the Ministry of Education on Thursday. TATT says following the closure of... Read more

Category: Coming Soon...

Eight hundred ICT-enabled devices were handed over from the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) to the Ministry of Education on Thursday. TATT says following the closure of schools earlier this year, it selected TSTT and Digicel to procure and provide 10,000 devices along with SIM cards with three months' internet packages to be provided to the Ministry to provide internet access to public schools and students. And while just 800 devices have been handed over, TATT is assuring that the remaining devices will be collected and distributed soon. Speaking at the Handover Ceremony, Minister of Education, Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, thanked all involved in procuring the devices during a time of high demand. Meanwhile, Minister in the Ministry of Public Administration and Digital Transformation, Hassell Bacchus, said this handover of devices ensures that the thrust towards a digital Trinidad and Tobago is furthered. The total cost of the devices, including the internet enablement, is just over TT$15 million and is covered by TATT through its Universal Service Fund.

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