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COVID Death By Suicide

COVID Death By Suicide

< 00:03:15 > |

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One patient who was unable to deal with a COVID-19 diagnosis died by suicide. The disclosure came from Head of Psychiatry at the North Central Regional Health Authority, Professor... Read more

One patient who was unable to deal with a COVID-19 diagnosis died by suicide. The disclosure came from Head of Psychiatry at the North Central Regional Health Authority, Professor Gerard Hutchinson, during Monday's Ministry of Health Media Conference. Professor Hutchinson said the NCRHA has had to adapt its Stress Relief Centre to include more mental health support services as issues increased by 40% during the pandemic. Some of the concerns raised by people who visited the Centre include domestic violence issues, financial issues, managing uncertainty, and isolation. He also revealed that increased suicidal tendencies are being seen among one of the country's most vulnerable groups. Although he admitted that the population has been resilient, he said activities such as exercise, meditation, and yoga can help to manage the psychological difficulties associated with the pandemic.

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