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Jearlean John Apologises To Senate

Jearlean John Apologises To Senate

< 00:02:50 > |

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UNC Senator Jearlean John will not be referred to the Committee of Privileges, after she apologised for her recent statements. Last Wednesday, Ms. John expressed her disapproval to the media... Read more

UNC Senator Jearlean John will not be referred to the Committee of Privileges, after she apologised for her recent statements. Last Wednesday, Ms. John expressed her disapproval to the media about Independent Senator Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy voting with the Government to pass the Public Procurement Amendment Bill. The following day, Independent Senator Paul Richards brought a Motion of Contempt of Parliament against Senator John for her statements. Speaking on Tuesday in the Senate, Senator John explained her reasoning for her comments and subsequently apologised. Meanwhile, Senate President Christine Kangaloo said based on the apology, the Senate would not pursue the matter further but warned all Senators to avoid making such statements. Several groups and Chambers recently urged Government to withdraw the Bill, citing an issue with Clause 5, which had the effect of removing Government to Government contracts from the ambit of the Office of the Procurement Regulation. But Finance Minister Colm Imbert said this was a normal practice in many countries.

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