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Growth In E Commerce And Contactless Payments

Growth In E Commerce And Contactless Payments

< 00:02:52 > |

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There has been more e-commerce growth in the last three months than in the last 10 years. The disclosure from Chief Executive Officer of First Atlantic Commerce, Christopher Burns.... Read more

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There has been more e-commerce growth in the last three months than in the last 10 years. The disclosure from Chief Executive Officer of First Atlantic Commerce, Christopher Burns. During the Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago's virtual dialogue on passive income opportunities and e-commerce, Mr. Burns said even brick and mortar businesses should consider e-commerce, as a safer and successful option. He said businesses should consider using marketplaces where they can sell their products online, especially if the business is considering selling to those abroad. Another trend in e-commerce that is quickly becoming the norm is contact-less payments. Business Development Leader at VISA, Jorge Salum, expected that by the end of next year, at least half of the VISA Linx cards would be functioning as contact-less payment options. He said businesses need to stay agile to keep up with consumers' needs, adding that both consumers and merchants seem to appreciate the transition to contact-less payments when the option was tested in Bermuda.

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