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Prime Minister's New Year's Message

Prime Minister's New Year's Message

< 00:02:08 > |

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Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says his government, with its "boundless faith in our destiny", holds on to faith in the people of Trinidad and Tobago, seeing only hope and... Read more

Category: Movies from 2020, Recently Released Movies...

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says his government, with its "boundless faith in our destiny", holds on to faith in the people of Trinidad and Tobago, seeing only hope and opportunity. In his New Year's message Via release, Prime Minister Rowley said he knows many people wish they could leave the challenges of 2020 behind, but its realities are before us. He said in some countries, the economic decline and the lockdown resulted in job losses on an unimaginable scale, with commodity and other markets grinding to a halt. That double blow coupled into the challenges of 2020, hindered projected economic growth, resulting 'beyond belief' in millions of people losing income, others their lives and livelihoods. The Prime Minister said however, the COVID-19 vaccines are considered, as the light in the tunnel, but those scars in the global economy will take many years to heal. He asked the nation to allow our true spirit of unity to guide us as a people, moving us forward as one, not being dominated and motivated by race, colour or class.

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