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Former Lennox Petroleum Workers Keep The Pressure On For Outstanding $$$

Former Lennox Petroleum Workers Keep The Pressure On For Outstanding $$$

< 00:03:05 > |

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Former workers of Lennox Petroleum are continuing the battle for their money, which by law is owed to them by the company. OWTU Union Rep, Lindon Mendoza, explains why the... Read more

Former workers of Lennox Petroleum are continuing the battle for their money, which by law is owed to them by the company. OWTU Union Rep, Lindon Mendoza, explains why the Ministry of Labour is constrained in the moves it can make with regard to their plight. Their silent protest on Thursday once again yielded no results but Mr. Mendoza is not fazed. He says they are in the process of taking the necessary steps to bring about a positive resolution to the problem. Mr. Mendoza says they will eventually have to take firm legal steps to get their monies. In an update on this issue the workers were quietly protesting outside the CEO's house around 11am on Friday - today, when police arrived at the scene. They told the workers they were not allowed to be at the site and said they would be arrested. However, Mr. Mendoza said that they were protected by trade dispute protection of property act paragraph which allows them to lawfully picket the employer's premises or workplace.

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