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Digital Payments Are The Future

Digital Payments Are The Future

< 00:02:46 > |

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In the COVID-19 and post-pandemic era, the local banking sector expects that the demand for contact-less services for essential goods will continue to grow. In anticipation, the... Read more

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In the COVID-19 and post-pandemic era, the local banking sector expects that the demand for contact-less services for essential goods will continue to grow. In anticipation, the Ministry of Trade and Industry in collaboration with the Banking Association of Trinidad and Tobago held a digital payment solution webinar for medium, small, and micro-sized enterprises on Friday. Senior Vice President of CITIBANK's Central American and Caribbean Division, Ricardo Mola said, in the future, banks will be charging less for their services. Manager of Sales, E-Payments and Business Development at First Citizens' Bank, Mark Cape, noted that locally e-commerce transactions are growing. Mr Cape added that in Trinidad and Tobago there are over 9 hundred thousand social media users. This he said was another platform for small companies to showcase their goods and services.

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