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CXC Reduces SBA Requirements

CXC Reduces SBA Requirements

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The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has reduced the SBA requirements for upcoming examinations. In a statement on Thursday, CXC recognised the many challenges across the region at this time including... Read more

Category: Movies from 2021...

The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has reduced the SBA requirements for upcoming examinations. In a statement on Thursday, CXC recognised the many challenges across the region at this time including the debilitating impact of COVID-19 on all stakeholders operating within the education sector, coupled with the explosive volcanic activity on La Soufrière in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CXC says it stands in solidarity with those in St. Vincent and the Grenadines at this time, and all stakeholders across the region affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Council says it also recognises some candidates across the region, based on their particular circumstances, may not be ready for assessment during the June/July 2021 examinations cycle. Given these circumstances, CXC has reduced the SBA requirements by as much as 50% in some subjects. In addition, CXC said it will share the broad topics to be assessed on Paper 2 for CSEC and CAPE subjects with the Ministries of Education for distribution to all candidates on May 10th 2021. In preparation for exams, students can also access a range of examination related resources via the Council's website.

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