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PM Rowley Defends Rollback

PM Rowley Defends Rollback

< 00:01:45 > |

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Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley is questioning the UNC's latest strategy geared to undermine their efforts of the Government to keep everyone safe. In a statement on his Facebook... Read more

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley is questioning the UNC's latest strategy geared to undermine their efforts of the Government to keep everyone safe. In a statement on his Facebook page on Sunday, the Prime Minister said he was shocked to see the MP for Couva South stumbling to read an attack on the latest roll-back of selected National activities. This, after the reporting of record levels of COVID-19 infections in the community. The Prime Minister said the decision to impose another round of restrictions was justified at this time and is geared to prevent the chance of T&T being put into a full scale lockdown, which some countries are experiencing. Dr Rowley said the increase in hospital occupancy from 5% to 25% in the last couple of weeks is the biggest threat to the economy.

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