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Population Urged To Comply With Restrictions

Population Urged To Comply With Restrictions

< 00:02:44 > |

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Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says the latest restrictions are an attempt to stave off a calamity, pointing out that he was disappointed with the response from the national community.... Read more

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says the latest restrictions are an attempt to stave off a calamity, pointing out that he was disappointed with the response from the national community. He notes that he was particularly concerned following the recent story of a father and son succumbing to the virus hours apart and says this should illustrate the reality of the situation. Dr Rowley says the continued increase in Covid cases has called for such restrictions and urged the population to comply if they do not want to see even stricter measures on May 23rd. Dr Rowley also dismissed suggestions for a state of emergency to be implemented to limit movement in the country. Due to the latest restrictions, the Prime Minister says the Minister of Finance is working to provide some relief to people who would be unable to feed themselves. The Agriculture Ministry is also preparing packages of food which will be distributed to constituents in need, by their respective MPs.

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