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Citizens Urged To Restore The Environment

Citizens Urged To Restore The Environment

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The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) wants citizens to think of the many ways they can help to restore the environment such as planting a tree or by practicing recycling. In... Read more

Category: Action Movies, Movies from 2021...

The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) wants citizens to think of the many ways they can help to restore the environment such as planting a tree or by practicing recycling. In its message on World Environment Day 2021, Chairman Nadra Nathai-Gyan says the EMA acknowledges this day as the catalyst for building environmental consciousness of current and emerging environmental issues. The theme for World Environmental Day this year is 'Ecosystem Restoration' under the slogan Re-imagine, Recreate and Restore. Mrs Nadra Nathai-Gyan believes Trinidadians can do just that simply by eliminating single-use plastics, installing energy-efficient bulbs and reducing their carbon footprint by switching to CNG or hybrid vehicles. She says June 5th is a re-commitment of the EMA's call to action, for citizens to support the National Environmental Policy.

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