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Grow What You Eat

Grow What You Eat

< 00:02:44 > |

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COVID-19 has surely changed the way things are usually done around the world. Here at home, first, there was drive-through vaccination and now, there is drive through seeling... Read more

COVID-19 has surely changed the way things are usually done around the world. Here at home, first, there was drive-through vaccination and now, there is drive through seeling distribution. Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries Clarence Rambharat joined the Feed the Nation initiative by Hunters United and Hard Ground Get Soft group distributed plants and seeds to motorists on Sunday morning. The event took place at the corner of Mohess Trace, Debe. Minister Rambharat took some time away from sharing seedlings and chatted with TTT News about the initiative. He said he's been working closely with the group for some time, and it's aimed at assisting people to expand their kitchen gardens. Minister Rambharat said he was pleased with the response to Sunday's plant and seedling distribution drive. Minister Rambharat said all Covid 19 protocols were observed to ensure the safety of everyone who turned up on Sunday. He added that as the initiative expands, so too, will his Ministry's participation. The Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries donated all the seedling packets for the event.

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