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T&TEC Urged To Rotate Workers

T&TEC Urged To Rotate Workers

< 00:03:26 > |

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President of the Joint Trade Union Movement, Ancel Roget, is concerned that the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission may become a COVID-19 super-spreader medium. Mr. Roget said T&... Read more

President of the Joint Trade Union Movement, Ancel Roget, is concerned that the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission may become a COVID-19 super-spreader medium. Mr. Roget said T&TEC planned to send all its employees back out to work although the union suggested a rotation option for workers. While the company implemented this option earlier this year, they decided against it even as the threat of the Delta variant looms. Mr. Roget said pre-rotation, 33 persons tested Positive and 112 were in quarantine but during rotation, 11 tested Positive while 18 were in quarantine. He said most of the workers contracted the virus while on the job. While on rotation, he said all of the Commission's operations were conducted in a safe manner, adding that they had no problems collecting revenue.

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