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Foreign Labour Contracts Act To Be Repealed

Foreign Labour Contracts Act To Be Repealed

< 00:03:43 > |

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If the Foreign Labour Contracts Act was currently enforced, all Nationals wanting to take up employment in foreign countries would have to obtain leave from President Paula-Mae Weekes. This,... Read more

Category: Movies from 2021...

If the Foreign Labour Contracts Act was currently enforced, all Nationals wanting to take up employment in foreign countries would have to obtain leave from President Paula-Mae Weekes. This, from Minister of Labour, Stephen Mc Clashie, as he contributed to debate on the Foreign Labour Contracts (Repeal) Bill, 2021 in the Senate today. The purpose of the Bill is to repeal the archaic Act. The legislation, which was enacted in 1900, sought to curb the mass migration of labourers from this country, which would have threatened the economic stability of the then colony. Minister Mc Clashie said between 1881 and 1914, a total of 200,000 West Indians made a journey to Panama in hopes of a better life.

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