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Quan-Chan On Local Football

Quan-Chan On Local Football

< 00:02:32 > |

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Trinidad and Tobago football can be considered in a state of rebuilding. Many individuals would love to see the return of T&T football to its best, but there are... Read more

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Trinidad and Tobago football can be considered in a state of rebuilding. Many individuals would love to see the return of T&T football to its best, but there are also concerns that need to be addressed. One such person is long standing servant of the TTFA Board, Richard Quan-Chan, who says while he is open to new ideas in an effort for improvement of the game, he is not in total agreement with the suggestions of the Normalization Committee especially in the category of finance. Additionally, there are suggestions by the Normalization Committee to liquidate the assets of the TTFA to neutralise some of these debts incurred, including the home of football in Couva. Quan Chan says this would be a disaster.

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