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Attorney General Takes The THA, Its Chief Secretary, And Deputy Chief Secretary To Court

Attorney General Takes The THA, Its Chief Secretary, And Deputy Chief Secretary To Court

< 00:01:59 > |

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Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi is taking Chief Secretary Farley Augustine and Deputy Chief Secretary Watson Duke to court. This, following two letters sent by the AG to the Chief... Read more

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Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi is taking Chief Secretary Farley Augustine and Deputy Chief Secretary Watson Duke to court. This, following two letters sent by the AG to the Chief Secretary citing the belief that Duke holding the position of Deputy Chief Sec and PSA President is a violation of the law. In a statement issued on Thursday from the Office of the Attorney General, the AG also noted that Mr. Duke is still a member of the Registration Recognition and Certification Board where he is receiving remuneration. On Wednesday, Mr. Augustine informed he received the letters earlier that day. And while Mr. Duke has tendered his resignation to the PSA effective December 31st, the AG is taking further action. The release further stated, the Office of the Attorney General explained members of the Senior Bar agreed there is an issue to be decided by the Court. The AG claimed the intent is not to unseat the election of anyone but to seek the Court's interpretation and clarification of the THA Act.

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