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TCL Retirees Want Owed $$$

TCL Retirees Want Owed $$$

< 00:02:38 > |

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Another call from retirees of Trinidad Cement Limited for the company to pay the monies owed to them. In the last few weeks, over 40 retired employees of the cement... Read more

Category: Action Movies...

Another call from retirees of Trinidad Cement Limited for the company to pay the monies owed to them. In the last few weeks, over 40 retired employees of the cement company have made frequent visits to the Head Office in Claxton Bay in hopes of being paid their pensions. However, their Union Rep says they are still waiting. The TCL Local Branch Representative says the union is in full support of the action by the retirees. The union is promising that the workers and retirees will continue to put pressure on management and explore all options available to them to get redress.

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