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Bail Reform Underway

Bail Reform Underway

< 00:03:55 > |

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Attorney General Reginald Armour says a comprehensive system of bail reform is currently under consideration by the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs. A media release... Read more

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Attorney General Reginald Armour says a comprehensive system of bail reform is currently under consideration by the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs. A media release from the Office of the Attorney General says the focus of bail reform is to encompass legislation that will secure the rights of all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago and take into account the views of key stakeholders and experts, including criminologists. In a ruling delivered on Thursday, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council dismissed the appeal brought by the Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago. The ruling stems from a lawsuit brought against the Attorney General by Anand Ramlogan, SC on behalf of former murder accused Akilli Charles. The Privy Council determined that the provisions contained in Section 5(1) and the First Schedule of the Bail Act, 1994 are not existing law so as to be saved from constitutional challenge and is not reasonably justifiable under the Constitution.

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