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The Muslimah Brunch - Yvonne "Yvee" Clarke

The Muslimah Brunch - Yvonne "Yvee" Clarke

< 00:08:56 > |

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Former Miss T&T Universe Yvonne "Yvee" Clarke opens up about her transition to becoming Muslim and her initiation of the Muslimah Brunch. The Muslimah Brunch is an all inclusive... Read more

Category: Comedy Movies...

Former Miss T&T Universe Yvonne "Yvee" Clarke opens up about her transition to becoming Muslim and her initiation of the Muslimah Brunch. The Muslimah Brunch is an all inclusive brunch for women of the Muslim faith, and all faiths, to gather and hear from influential female figures in the Islamic community as well as participate in fun Islamic activities. The goal of the Muslimah Brunch is to create a space for women to gather and feel empowered.

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