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A Political Ploy By Duke

A Political Ploy By Duke

< 00:03:18 > |

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Housing Minister Camille Robinson-Regis is describing Watson Duke’s latest act as a "political ploy" attempting to gain relevance from the society. On Friday, Mr. Duke tried to ‘forcefully’... Read more

Category: Comedy Movies, Romantic Movies...

Housing Minister Camille Robinson-Regis is describing Watson Duke’s latest act as a "political ploy" attempting to gain relevance from the society. On Friday, Mr. Duke tried to ‘forcefully’ enter the Housing Development Corporation’s headquarters in Port of Spain, following which the MTS and Police were called in. Mr. Duke stated that he was acting on behalf of residents of East Port of Spain who he argued were being moved out of their homes to locations which were too far away. But Mrs. Robinson-Regis said Mr. Duke was allegedly advocating for persons who were illegally occupying HDC property who were given notice on January 27th, in which the further extension expired today. She said his act on Friday was nothing more than a political attempt to get a ‘foothold’ somewhere. The Minister added that the relocation of persons involved numerous consultations and is part of the revitalisation of East Port of Spain where buildings are being replaced with upgraded and fully functional structures that can be enjoyed by members of the community.

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