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East POS Residents Begin Relocation

East POS Residents Begin Relocation

< 00:02:17 > |

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Residents of East Port of Spain who thought they had more time to vacate their apartments were greeted by police officers and officials of the Housing Development Corporation on Saturday... Read more

Residents of East Port of Spain who thought they had more time to vacate their apartments were greeted by police officers and officials of the Housing Development Corporation on Saturday morning and asked to complete their moving process. Many of the residents have been assigned alternative housing as the HDC forges ahead to demolish apartment buildings in Port of Spain to continue with the development plans for the city. One resident, Michelle Le Maitre, who expressed that she is willing to move, said she had asked for an extension before moving as the apartment where she is being moved to requires minor work. In response to the ongoing concerns on the relocation issue, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development has said that the relocation of the residents is part of the revitalisation of Port of Spain. She said the HDC is not doing anything the residents of the area are not aware of and in agreement with.

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